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Quick Wire Splice Connectors

Quick wire splice wiring connectors are a fast and easy way to splice into an existing wire. No stripping of the wires is necessary. Simply insert both wires into the quick splice, squeeze down on the metal insert with pliers, and close the cap.

Technical Specifications

Material (Insulation)


Material (Terminal)


Material (Plating)


RoHS Compliant


Material (Insulation)


Material (Terminal)


Material (Plating)


RoHS Compliant


Part Number Type Insulation Colour Wire Size (mm²) Pack Quantity
SCR Quick Splice Red 0.5 – 1.0 100
SCB Quick Splice Blue 0.75 – 2.5 100
SCY Quick Splice Yellow 4 – 6 100
Quick Splice Connector SKUs – SCR, SCB, SCY

Enquire Now

If you would like to enquire about our Quick Wire Splice Connectors, get a quotation, or request a product sample - get in touch now!


+44 (0)1737 760645

Quick Enquiry

    Packaging Sample - Cable Ties

    The length and width are always clearly marked on the label, accompanied by a batch number ensuring traceability of our product.
    Each cable tie pouch comes with a standard Euro slot, allowing you to conveniently hook the packs for storage, or to present them neatly.
    Our cable ties are sealed in clear, unbranded packaging, that will keep your ties clean and protected until they're needed.